
Newest Member of our Family

OUR AWESOME NEW (Well new to us) TRAILER!!

At the end of August there was a family in our ward who were being transferred to Hawaii for work (rough life;) ) and they were selling this trailer that they had bought a year before from her parents. It was in good condition for being built in 1988. We made them a good offer and they took it. It came with all the supplies they had kept in there for camping which was a HUGE bonus cause getting stuff like plates, silverware, cups, etc. can be expensive. Its only 20" but it definitely works for the 3 of us.

UPDATE: So a couple of weeks ago our trailer was vandalized. It was parked up to the Shop and one day Rod noticed that both of our batteries had been stolen. So he called the police and when the officer showed up he took a look around and asked Rod if we had the trailer registered. Rod told him that we had just bought it about a month prior and had it registered and everything and the officer commented that the license plate had been stolen as well. Stolen would be putting it mildly, it was RIPPED right off of the trailer. So the officer made a comment that the workers that were working on the Ruby Pipeline had just pulled out of town the day before and come to find out that some of them were staying at the Galaxy Motel located just behind the Shop. The officer figured they must have stolen it because it was registered up til next September. (Moment to rant) What gives people the right to think they can steal from me!! When those pipeline workers make probably twice as much as we do and could definitely afford to go buy their own license and batteries! GRR!!!


Rebecca Petersen said...

So if they had an idea who did it, can they catch them? Or is it just your loss?

Brock and Courtney said...

No it's pretty much our loss. The officer took the plate number but unless they do something wrong they will probably never get caught. :(