Today i had my second doctors appointment, everything went awesome. I got to listen to the heartbeat again. 157 beats per minute. It was a little slower today than last time. But we are still on track. 6 weeks from today we have our gender ultrasound! We are so excited for that. My next appt is on April 23.
This is Peanut!! Brock took one look at the ultrasound and he named the baby Peanut. :) We had our first appointment on February 20. Where the Dr. told us our due date is Spetember 21, 2009. It was so fun to have these ultrasound pictures done, Brock and I were all smiles. It was amazing to hear the heartbeat too. 179 beats per minute. We get to find out the sex on May 1 which is awesome cause that will be Brock and my 5th Anniversary! Things have been crazy around here, Brock and I have moved in with Brock's parents to save some money for the baby. Brock is still going to his EMT class two nights a week. I am still working and growing a baby. (Full time job!) It has been the most unique time of my life, I have had nausea pretty much all day from week 7 through week 10. This week has been pretty good as my first trimester comes to a close in about a week. I can't wait to find out what it is but I get so excited about every Dr's appointment I have. My next one isn't til March 20 but I can't wait.