Friday we went to the Hogle Zoo and Kris got to come with us. She said she hadn't been to the Zoo since her boys were little and still in strollers. We love the zoo. Emma has been asking to go since the middle of January. She loves seeing the animals. Sorry these pictures are a little out of order because some came from our camera and some came from Kris's camera, but its a major pain in the butt to try to move them around on here. Friday was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL day. The weather was totally sunny and about 70 degrees. The Zoo wasn't too busy thankfully.
Emma didn't like the statues of the animals too much. She preferred to see the real ones :)
We hadn't been to the Rocky Shores Exhibit until this year and I think it is my favorite part of the zoo now. I loved seeing the seals and sea lion and the polar bear. Its been some years since we had seen any bears at the zoo.
This Polar Bear was make entirely out of Legos. Brock was thoroughly impressed. He loves legos.
Every time a seal swam right by the glass when Emma had her hand up, she thought she actually touched the seal. She had so much fun watching them. They were very playful and active.
Emma was watching the Polar Bear swimming right in front of her.
This girl spent half of the time walking through the Zoo asking to ride the Merry-Go-Round, which she eventually got to do twice. Once with Mugga and once with Daddy.
Our Family of 3-1/2 in front of the Zoo. :)
Can't wait to go back next year. We will have an 11 month old in tow as well :)